Saturday, May 8, 2010

screen printing for dummies...

well, not saying that we are dummies, but we have all been tossing around the idea of screen printing and were unsure where to start. worries/ concerns:
1. It could turn out to be expensive
2. We might not get good results
3. fear of an unknown craft
4. takes up too much space to do this activity
5. yucky chemicals - eewwwww
etc, etc, etc.
well, I am happy to report that one of our adventurous crafty members - who is definitely NOT a dummy :) has been experimenting with a way to do prints without icky chemicals, and has been amazed at the results so far:

here's her take on the big plunge:
I've had an starter kit in my fridge for almost a year now. Tried it out couple of days ago and it worked really well. The screens are developed in the sun, so no chemicals needed etc. It sounded so easy and painless that I thought it could not work well but it did!
ah, she is so crafty :)
love her new line of ipod cases too, they compliment the original Stash Bags laptop cases so well:

so we will be exploring more of this crafty goodness at our next 'crafter hours' meeting, and we'll post our results! Who knows, maybe there will be MAFIA t-shirts and totes, bumper stickers, etc, for sale at some farmer's market shows we'll be selling at this summer.

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